Our videos are suitable for a wide audience, those with a medical background and the general public. They cover a range of topics from how compression therapy works to how to measure for medical compression stockings. We also have some case studies from some of our patients who have shared their stories.
The next generation of DVT prevention by Mego Afek
Phlebo Press® DVT by Mego Afek… Keeps your flow in control
Mego Afek has developed Phlebo Press® DVT, for innovative pneumatic compression therapy. Phlebo Press® DVT uses gentle air pressure to apply external, directional massage to the legs. This massage action simulates the effects of walking, greatly increasing blood flow in the deep veins of the legs and reducing the ability of clots to form. The specially designed Phlebo Press® DVT compression garments are light, breathable, and made of soft wicking material that keeps the patient’s legs and feet cool.